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About Us

The Student Guide to Pittsburgh is printed & distributed each August to ALL Pittsburgh campuses through orientation, new student programs, graduate programs, housing services, international student services departments, student life programs, and some academic departments.

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New to the Pittsburgh area and need help finding your way? Let the Student Guide to Pittsburgh point you in the right direction! Whether you’re a freshman, transfer, graduate, or international student—or a Pittsburgh native in an unfamiliar neighborhood, you’ll find local resources for everything a college student could need. Find the nearest coffee shop for your late night study sessions, a hotel for parents’ weekend, or the perfect take-out restaurant for those days when you just can’t eat another cafeteria meal.

As former college students ourselves, we’ve collaborated to bring you our invaluable “been there, done that” advice on dorm living, apartment hunting, and much more!

So, get started! Resources on this website are organized by the categories listed below. Use the drop-down boxes or our keyword search above to navigate the site. If we’re missing your favorite spot, please let us know!

Don’t forget to check out our Event Calendar to keep you up-to-date with the latest happenings!

View our 2019 print edition!


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